Just returning home, so although post #8 was made almost a week ago, I am just now looking at it.
I am trying to calculate the dates for payments received every four weeks (on Fridays) using an initial seed date on the April (first) worksheet.
It seems to me that the following should yield the desired results:
So that the list of dates start with a Friday, paste the following into cell C4 (April Sheet): =B4+7-WEEKDAY(B4+1)
In cells C5 and down: =SUM(C4,28)
For a number of reasons I enter the day of the month (1, 2, 3 etc) in one column and calculate the actual date from that in another column. This means that the different number of days in each month is not handled automatically.
It would probably help if we could see a sample as I don't really understand what this means.
Let us know if you have any questions.