I have returned from hospital complete with a brand new hip! The relief is astronomical! :-) The main problem has not been recovering from the hip replacement op but weening off the painkillers taken before it!

My previous problem was more to do with blurred vision (caused by the powerful painkillers) than anything else, I had a quote mark or bracket in the wrong place which is why copy and past from your solution worked and typing it in didn't!

Having got the problem as stated solved I now realise I may have been asking the wrong question!

I am trying to calculate the dates for payments received every four weeks (on Fridays) using an initial seed date on the April (first) worksheet. The formula works fine for the May to December worksheets but gives totally wrong answers for January to March. This year December has two receipts in the same month which is part of the problem which is then compounded by February being exactly four weeks long (I haven't even contemplated leap years yet!).

For a number of reasons I enter the day of the month (1, 2, 3 etc) in one column and calculate the actual date from that in another column. This means that the different number of days in each month is not handled automatically.

Is it possible to make the adjustment using a formula created from functions or will I have to resort to VBA?