Ok so see the attached for my attempt to move my access quiz to excel; for the most part it works all fine
Apart from the timer function, that is where imp in need of some of help from someone a bit smarter than me
So here is what should happen
open the document only see 1 tab, enter your name press start then hides main tab and shows Q1 tab which has a countdown to answer if that runs out then it will move you to Q2 tab and so on, but if you click it will stop the timer as is and then at the end it will work out how long it took you
Then email your results off to the quiz master and then reset, which takes you to the main tab again and rests the quiz
But each time I get to the results tab it says "Out of time" and moves me back to earlier in the dam quiz it’s driving me potty
So please any help much appreciated
cheers all