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Macro to Reformat Raw Data - Correct Syntax?

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    Macro to Reformat Raw Data - Correct Syntax?


    I'm building a macro to automate the formatting of raw data. For now, I just want to get the correct syntax for the formula I'm building.

    The problem I've run into is creating a formula (for a new column) that scans a string of text for a phrase then looks through a table in a separate worksheet with the scanned for phrase on the left and the value I want the cell to return if it matches in the right.


    Description Worksheet

    [Description Column] - cells with strings of text

    [Type] - ???this is where the result of the formula will go???

    Input Worksheet

    [Contains Column] - scan for this phrase in the [Description Column]

    [Return Column] - If there's a match, return this word in the [Type]

    The formula should check all the phrases in the [Contains Column] for a possible match.

    Help would be immensely appreciated!

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    Last edited by FDibbins; 02-08-2021 at 02:28 AM.

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