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Guidance with employee shift schedule

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Lod, Israel
    MS-Off Ver

    Guidance with employee shift schedule

    I attached a worksheet from February, it contains 2 sheets:

    1. input
    2. output

    The input sheet:
    - a monthly requests input sheet
    * '1' - block the date
    * '3' - prefer the date
    * ' ' - the date is not blocked, nor preferred [I can schedule the employee on that date]

    *Each employee can choose how many shifts to be scheduled [minimum '1']

    * Each date requires 2 employees

    *The input sheet requires some 'cleaning':
    - The shifts are only on 'Sundays', 'Mondays' and 'Wednesdays'.
    - It would be simpler if it would automatically remove the unnecessary days, or simply auto-create a monthly table with the 3 days only

    Is it possible to create the output automatically or at least some of it?

    Are there any suggestions to adjust the input sheet, to be more "automatable"?

    Thank you!
    Amir Zbede
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Excel 365 version 2501

    Re: Guidance with employee shift schedule

    *The input sheet requires some 'cleaning':
    - The shifts are only on 'Sundays', 'Mondays' and 'Wednesdays'.
    - It would be simpler if it would automatically remove the unnecessary days, or simply auto-create a monthly table with the 3 days only
    Cell A1 is populated using data validation that references the list of months in column AL
    Cell A2 is populated using: =INDEX(AM2:AM13,MATCH(A1,AL2:AL13,0)) and is custom formatted yyyy
    Cells B1:AC1 are populated using: =IF(WORKDAY.INTL($A2,COLUMNS($A1:A1)-1,"0101110")>EOMONTH($A2,0),"",WORKDAY.INTL($A2,COLUMNS($A1:A1)-1,"0101110")) and are custom formatted ddd, d
    Cells B2:AC2 are populated using : =B1 and are custom formatted d
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

  3. #3
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    Re: Guidance with employee shift schedule

    Wow, I am truly grateful for your help!

  4. #4
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Guidance with employee shift schedule

    As to somewhat automating the output sheet:
    1. Populate A1 using: =input!A2
    2. Populate A2 and down using: =IF(WORKDAY.INTL(A$1,ROWS(A$1:A1)-1,"0101110")>EOMONTH(A$1,0),"",WORKDAY.INTL(A$1,ROWS(A$1:A1)-1,"0101110"))
    3. Populate columns B:C using: =INDEX(input!$A$3:$A$25,AGGREGATE(15,6,(ROW(input!$A$3:$A$25)-ROW(input!$A$2))/(input!$B$1:$O$1=$A2)/(input!$B$3:$O$25=2),COLUMNS($A$1:A$1)))
    Note that the person making out the schedule will need to type the number 2 in the correct employee row/date column on the input sheet as modeled for the first two dates of February.
    Let us know if you have any questions.

  5. #5
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    Re: Guidance with employee shift schedule

    JetMc, Thank you very much for your very kind and great help!!
    I would have never been able to come up with this line of code on my own.

    Much appreciated!

  6. #6
    Forum Guru
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    Excel 365 version 2501

    Re: Guidance with employee shift schedule

    You're Welcome and thank you for the feedback. Please take a moment to mark the thread as 'Solved' using the thread tools menu above your first post. I hope that you have a blessed day.

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