Cell A1 is populated using data validation that references the list of months in column AL*The input sheet requires some 'cleaning':
- The shifts are only on 'Sundays', 'Mondays' and 'Wednesdays'.
- It would be simpler if it would automatically remove the unnecessary days, or simply auto-create a monthly table with the 3 days only
Cell A2 is populated using: =INDEX(AM2:AM13,MATCH(A1,AL2:AL13,0)) and is custom formatted yyyy
Cells B1:AC1 are populated using: =IF(WORKDAY.INTL($A2,COLUMNS($A1:A1)-1,"0101110")>EOMONTH($A2,0),"",WORKDAY.INTL($A2,COLUMNS($A1:A1)-1,"0101110")) and are custom formatted ddd, d
Cells B2:AC2 are populated using : =B1 and are custom formatted d
Let us know if you have any questions.