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VBA code crashes Excel 365 but works in Excel 2019

  1. #1
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    VBA code crashes Excel 365 but works in Excel 2019

    Hi guys,
    first of all forgive my English.

    I have this file that when I use it at home with my Excel 2019 everything works fine as expected, when I use it at work with Excel 365 it crashes after a few seconds.
    It seems to me that the problem is in the code below (in the sheet "GIACENZA MONETA"), so I'd really appreciate your help to fix it.

    This code does 2 things:
    1. when the user changes a cell, it updates the date and time in cell F25
    2. when the user writes something in cell F3, it makes it upper case and adds the word "cassa " on the left (if the word "cassa" has not been written by the user).

    I think there must be a conflict of some sort that makes Excel 365 crash (it just closes without any warnings this file I'm using and also other Excel files that could be open).

    I've attached the file here, it's password-protected by a simple " " (space).

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    Last edited by Matt7272; 02-04-2021 at 12:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Frick, Swityerland
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    Re: VBA code crashes Excel 365 but works in Excel 2019

    Hello Matteo, did you find the reason of the crash ? I have exactly the same problem now.

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