I have a file in named range 'caldata3' with a date saved as a value with the format Date
English (United Kingdom)
If the date in question is 07/01/2021 my macro fills this data to another file but it appears as a US date of 01/07/2021. The target column has the same format as above.
Here is my code.
Sub logsievecalibration()
Dim ThisWorkBook As String
Dim SheetName As String
Dim MyRanges(13) As String
Dim EmptyRow As Long
Dim a As Integer 'to cyle through ranges
' Unprotect sheet to allow macro to function
Call UnProtectSheets
Worksheets("Sieve Details & Results").Activate
ThisWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
'Named Ranges with sheets specified as from more than one sheet
MyRanges(1) = "caldata1" 'Certificate Type - col B
MyRanges(2) = "caldata2" 'Certificate Number - col C
MyRanges(3) = "caldata3" 'Calibration Date - col D
MyRanges(4) = "caldata4" 'Customer Account Number - col D
MyRanges(5) = "caldata5" 'Customer Name - col E
MyRanges(6) = "caldata6" 'Col5 from Opera records should be Town - col F
MyRanges(7) = "caldata7" 'Postcode column from Opera records should be Postcode - col G
MyRanges(8) = "caldata8" 'Standard - col H
MyRanges(9) = "caldata9" 'Diameter - col I
MyRanges(10) = "caldata10" 'Aperture - col K
MyRanges(11) = "caldata11" 'Unique Identifier - col L
MyRanges(12) = "caldata12" 'Email Address - col L
MyRanges(13) = "caldata13" 'Job Number - col M
' Assign values from range names to array
MyRanges(1) = Range("caldata1").Value
MyRanges(2) = Range("caldata2").Value2
MyRanges(3) = Range("caldata3").Value
MyRanges(4) = Range("caldata4").Value
MyRanges(5) = Range("caldata5").Value
MyRanges(6) = Range("caldata6").Value
MyRanges(7) = Range("caldata7").Value
MyRanges(8) = Range("caldata8").Value
MyRanges(9) = Range("caldata9").Value
MyRanges(10) = Range("caldata10").Value
MyRanges(11) = Range("caldata11").Value
MyRanges(12) = Range("caldata12").Value
MyRanges(13) = Range("caldata13").Value
Workbooks.Open filename:= _
With Workbooks("Sieve_Ledger_Latest.xls")
With ActiveSheet
'find empty row
EmptyRow = 0
EmptyRow = EmptyRow + 1
Loop Until IsEmpty(.Cells(EmptyRow, 1))
.Cells(EmptyRow, 1) = Date
'fill in other columns from named ranges
For a = 1 To UBound(MyRanges)
.Cells(EmptyRow, a + 1) = MyRanges(a)
Next a
End With
'save and close workbook
End With
I posted this query in the Microsoft forum but the only suggestion was;
'Save today's date as value
Range("caldata3") = Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy")
This is no good as it changes the date to the current one and I need to keep the original date.
I am stumped and would be most grateful for some help with this, thanks.