Hi Everyone,
I currently have a Userform that you type a part number in, which can include letters, numbers, characters (mainly -,*). When clicking the command button with the magnifying glass, it will search the part number in the 'RI PN Info' spreadsheet and pull the appropriate data into the correct textboxes. Unfortunately, it is not working on part numbers with characters in them. Can you please help. Here is part of the code for quick reference.
Private Sub SearchCB_Click()
Dim Res As Variant
row_number = 0
Res = Application.Match(Val(PartNoTB.Value), Sheets("RI PN Info").Range("A:A"), 0)
If Not IsError(Res) Then
SDescriptionTB.Value = Sheets("RI PN Info").Range("C" & Res).Value
LDescriptionTB.Value = Sheets("RI PN Info").Range("D" & Res).Value
CustomerTB.Value = Sheets("RI PN Info").Range("E" & Res).Value
RevTB.Value = Sheets("RI PN Info").Range("F" & Res).Value
RICodeTB.Value = Sheets("RI PN Info").Range("G" & Res).Value