Hi Guys,
I'm having an issue with a sheet I'm making for work.
I have 40 tabs/sheets in it containing a variety of information for a number of systems we install. I have a systems options sheet with a number of dropdowns to configure the sheet according to the users need, hiding/unhiding tabs, rows and columns throughout the document. I've done this by using a case for each option in the drop downs and it's been working well.
However I've just updated it to add some new bits in including a dropdown for "export to customer" which hide's all the unnecessary information so the document can be PDF'd and given to the client at the end of the job. The problem I'm now having is that as part of the export option I've referenced cells on every sheet to hide and unhide, by default the export option is set no meaning all information is visible. This is where my problem is, as some of the systems we install use some common hardware so share tabs. So I'm selecting the system type in one dropdown which should as an example hide columns F:K, show L:Q and hide R:Z based on selecting system A of the first drop down (columns would be different for system B, C ect). But the information in F:Z isn't something the customer needs to see so I've got the export case set to hide/unhide all columns within that range. So now regardless of what system I select in the other drop downs the case for export is overriding them and keeping them hidden.
So my question is, can I.......
A) isolate the export case I've created somehow within the sub so excel will ignore it unless the export dropdown is used (selecting one dropdown seems to run through the case options for all of the other dropdowns).
B) run the export case in a second sub so the rest of the options in the original sub will ignore it
C) Insert a drop down as an item (like an action button) that we be completely separate from the other dropdowns (done using the data validation list function)
I'm still kind of new to all this so if you can think of a better way of doing it I'm open to any suggestions. I can't post the document on here unfortunately as it contains some sensitive information and allot of work had gone in to it so my company doesn't want our competitors to get hold of it. But if needed I can post a section of the VBA code so you can see how I've gone about it.