Ah, I see what you're after.
The way it works is that when you scroll down, 1:8 stay fixed. When you scroll right, A:D stay fixed. The design intent is that if you have column headings and row headings, you will always be able to see the headings for whatever data you are scrolling through.
But you want to create a window with E9 as its upper-left cell that scrolls while A:D and 1:8 both always stay fixed. Actually, to be more specific, you want your buttons/menu to stay fixed.
I can think of three ways to do this:
1. Redesign your form so that the buttons are all in the quadrant to the upper=left of E9. You can enlarge a single cell or two to do this. Freeze from E9. I have done this in the attached sample.
2. Use VBA to reposition the buttons every time the selection changes.
3. Use VBA to show a modeless form with the buttons floating over the sheet.