Would someone please help me in tweaking this macro? I asked for help with this on another forum [ here ] but for some reason the person helping me said I was taking advantage of their kindness and I most certainly was not.
I simply asked them to tell me where I need to alter the macro shown below to suit my needs since he never used the information I provided regarding sheets/column/cell references.
I'm a novice when it comes to this and sometimes I'm not even sure of the correct terminology to use so I hope someone will please help me.
Original Code = My comments in Bold Red
Notes to the code
In this code we assume
1- Completion Date is in column B in the range B19:B32 – Pulling from sheets A-Z, Range AZ19:AZ50
2- Due Date is in column C on similar range C19:C32 – Pulls from hidden sheet “.” Range J14:J45
3- Item/compliance is in column A on similar range A19:A32 – Pulls from hidden sheet “.” Range C14:C45 OR Pulls from sheets A-Z, range AV19:AV50
4 - 26 of the total sheets on your workbook are named with the alphabet letters from A to Z - Do I have to update this in the code somewhere?
Replace the ranges in the code with the ones in your scenario -
Replace the messages according to your needs
Please do not suggest conditional formatting. I do not need nor want to do that. This code will be used in 3 different workbooks that each contain approximately 60 sheets.
Please know that I appreciate any assistance I can get with this.