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VBA code to search another workbook

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    VBA code to search another workbook


    I'm working in a vehicle service centre and I am attempting to create a spreadsheet to track the work through the workshop.
    I have created a sheet with a working search function but would like to seperate the two so that the service advisors can only search and not change the data in the sheet.
    Basically, I want the service advisors to be able to open an excel file with only 1 tab - the search tab and the workshop controller to open the other excel file to input the data.

    Currently tab 1 is the search and tabs 2,4-15 are where the data will be held.
    When I type a 'WIP number' into the first textbox on my userform and click search, the other 8 text boxes are populated with the data corresponding to that WIP number.

    the code is as follows (if someone could also tell me how to search 'allsheets' instead of each sheet individually that would be appreciated)

    Private Sub SEARCH_Click()
    Dim WIP_Number As String
    WIP_Number = Trim(WIPTEXT.Text)
    lastrow = Worksheets("JAN").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To lastrow

    If Worksheets("JAN").Cells(i, 2).Value = WIP_Number Then
    WIPTEXT.Text = Worksheets("JAN").Cells(i, 2).Value
    CARTEXT.Text = Worksheets("JAN").Cells(i, 3).Value
    ADVISORTEXT.Text = Worksheets("JAN").Cells(i, 11).Value
    REQUIREDTEXT.Text = Worksheets("JAN").Cells(i, 6).Text
    COMPLETETEXT.Text = Worksheets("JAN").Cells(i, 10).Text
    STATUSTEXT.Text = Worksheets("JAN").Cells(i, 14).Value
    AUTHORITYTEXT.Text = Worksheets("JAN").Cells(i, 12).Text
    QCTEXT.Text = Worksheets("JAN").Cells(i, 13).Text
    TEAMTEXT.Text = Worksheets("JAN").Cells(i, 9).Text
    End If
    End sub

    I have copied and pasted the code and changed JAN to FEB, MAR etc.
    Last edited by adam1992; 12-15-2020 at 06:43 AM. Reason: Solved

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