I have cell H1 with certain values as "10,1,7,8" dynamically, another cell A1 calls the function as =FindGrade(H1,"Books")...when the values of e.g B is string like "2,11" then it shud check for both 2 and 11 existing in the cell H1 value also but its not working...the result cell is blank... I m trying to get result of function into cell but the cell is always blank
idea is to check the string in chkcell with each value in A,B,C,D etc and generate the new value called Result and populate the A1 with it.
my code is
Function FindGrade(chkcell As String, Eventtype As String) As String
Dim A As String
Dim B As String
Dim C As String
Dim D1 As String
Dim D2 As String
Dim D3 As String
If chkevent = "Books" Then
A = "7"
B = "2,11"
C = "5"
D1 = "4"
D2 = "8,10,12"
D3 = "6"
End If
Dim Result As String
Dim x
Dim y
Dim chkfound
'Updateby Extendoffice
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
For Each x In Split(chkcell, ",")
For Each y In Split(A, ",")
If x.exists(y) Then
Result.Add "A"
chkfound = 1
Next y
Next x
If chkfound = 0 Then
For Each x In Split(chkcell, ",")
For Each y In Split(B, ",")
If x.exists(y) Then
Result.Add "B"
chkfound = 1
Next y
Next x
End If
If chkfound = 0 Then
For Each x In Split(chkcell, ",")
For Each y In Split(C, ",")
If x.exists(y) Then
Result.Add "C"
chkfound = 1
Next y
Next x
End If
If chkfound = 0 Then
For Each x In Split(chkcell, ",")
For Each y In Split(D1, ",")
If x.exists(y) Then
Result.Add "D1"
chkfoundD = 1
Next y
Next x
End If
If chkfound = 0 Then
For Each x In Split(chkcell, ",")
For Each y In Split(D2, ",")
If x.exists(y) Then
Result.Add "D2"
chkfoundD = 1
Next y
Next x
End If
If chkfound = 0 Then
For Each x In Split(chkcell, ",")
For Each y In Split(D3, ",")
If x.exists(y) Then
Result.Add "D3"
chkfoundD = 1
Next y
Next x
End If
If chkfoundD = 0 Then
For Each x In Split(chkcell, ",")
For Each y In Split(D3, ",")
If x.exists(y) Then
Result.Add "3"
chkfoundD = 1
Next y
Next x
End If
If chkfoundD = 0 Then
For Each x In Split(chkcell, ",")
For Each y In Split(D2, ",")
If x.exists(y) Then
Result.Add "2"
chkfoundD = 1
Next y
Next x
If chkfoundD = 0 Then
Result.Add "1"
End If
End If
End With
FindGrade = Result
End Function
in A1 i want it to be "A2" its shud check 10,1,7,8 first with each values in A,B,C,D1,D2,D3 generate the string...in this case it ill be A2