Hi guys,
sorry - hopefully this attachment helps more.
on sheet called "Schedule" there is some data. If you press the big blue square it runs the following code:
Sub All()
Dim d As Object
Dim lr As Long
Dim tr As Long
Dim nr As Long
Dim tk1 As String
Dim tk2 As String
Dim p1, p2
Dim s1 As Worksheet
Dim nv As Worksheet
Set s1 = Worksheets("Schedule")
Set nv = Worksheets("Near Values 2")
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
lr = nv.Cells(nv.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For tr = 2 To lr
tk1 = nv.Cells(tr, "C").Value & " " & nv.Cells(tr, "U").Value
tk2 = nv.Cells(tr, "D").Value & " " & nv.Cells(tr, "V").Value
d(tk1 & " " & tk2) = nv.Cells(tr, "E").Value
Next tr
lr = s1.Cells(s1.Rows.Count, "Q").End(xlUp).Row
For tr = 2 To lr - 1
For nr = tr + 1 To lr
If Int(s1.Cells(nr, "B").Value) + s1.Cells(nr, "C").Value - Int(s1.Cells(tr, "B").Value) - s1.Cells(tr, "C").Value <= TimeSerial(0, 10, 0) Then
tk1 = s1.Cells(tr, "Q").Value & " " & s1.Cells(tr, "R").Value & " " & s1.Cells(tr, "M").Value
tk2 = s1.Cells(nr, "Q").Value & " " & s1.Cells(nr, "R").Value & " " & s1.Cells(nr, "M").Value
If s1.Cells(nr, "AD").Value <> s1.Cells(tr, "AD").Value _
And (d.exists(tk1 & " " & tk2) Or d.exists(tk2 & " " & tk1)) Then
s1.Cells(tr, "M").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
s1.Cells(nr, "M").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
End If
Exit For
End If
Next nr
Next tr
End Sub
The code is looking to see if any of the location pairs in the "Near values 2" tab feature in the "Schedule" tab, where the time is within 10 minutes and the subject number is different (Column AD)
As you will see on the schedule tab between rows 2 and 3 there is a match to a pair in "Near Values 2" and the time is within 10 minutes. If you run the code, then the values in column M are highlighted yellow.
Also you will see that in the instance column there are two numbers 1s in here, with two number 2s in the next pair between rows 25 and 26.
I have manually added these numbers in, but want to automate it so that when the values in column M are highlighted yellow, the numbers are put in column D - so show a sequence.
Can anyone help please?