Dear all
i am seeking some help regarding
how to generate link automatically in excel to files in a specific folder once you add the file to the folder or even when i click a button to check the new files in the folder
Dear all
i am seeking some help regarding
how to generate link automatically in excel to files in a specific folder once you add the file to the folder or even when i click a button to check the new files in the folder
Last edited by AliGW; 10-31-2020 at 11:25 AM. Reason: Redacted for legibility.
Sub Example1() Dim xFSO As Object Dim xFolder As Object Dim xFile As Object Dim xFiDialog As FileDialog Dim xPath As String Dim I As Integer Set xFiDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) If xFiDialog.Show = -1 Then xPath = xFiDialog.SelectedItems(1) End If Set xFiDialog = Nothing If xPath = "" Then Exit Sub Set xFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set xFolder = xFSO.GetFolder(xPath) For Each xFile In xFolder.Files I = I + 1 ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Cells(I, 1), xFile.Path, , , xFile.Name Next End Sub
thank you so much
is there any way to make it insert the folder too?
and my main question is are there any way to add the file to the sheet automatically without running the macro, and it happened once I open the file that contains the macro ??
(make the macro work automatically by opening the file and go to a specific folder determined in it and list all folders in columns with their files )
Last edited by AliGW; 10-31-2020 at 11:26 AM. Reason: Redacted for legibility.
add below to ThisWorkbook module- excel file needs to be saved as Macro-Enabled Worksheet (.xlsm)
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim xFSO As Object Dim xFolder As Object Dim xFile As Object Dim xPath As String Dim I As Integer 'change file path on below line to correct Folder path xPath = "C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\New folder" If xPath = "" Then Exit Sub Set xFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set xFolder = xFSO.GetFolder(xPath) For Each xFile In xFolder.Files I = I + 1 ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Cells(I, 1), xFile.Path, , , xFile.Name Next End Sub
yes it works, thank you so much,,
is there any way to catch the folder names too?
Yes but I don’t have access to my pc right now
Will do it tomorrow
thank you so much
Try this
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim xFSO As Object Dim xFolder As Object Dim xFile As Object Dim xPath As String Dim i As Long For Each Sheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If Sheet.Name = "Files" Then Sheets("Files").Cells.Delete f = True Exit For Else f = False End If Next If Not f Then Sheets.Add.Name = "Files" Sheets("Files").Select xPath = "C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\New folder" Set xFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set xFolder = xFSO.GetFolder(xPath) For Each xFile In xFolder.Files i = i + 1 ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Cells(i, 1), xFile.Path, , , xFile.Name Next With CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") For Each xFolder In .GetFolder(xPath).SubFolders ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(i + 2, 1), _ Address:=xPath & Application.PathSeparator & xFolder.Name, _ TextToDisplay:=xFolder.Name i = i + 1 Next End With End Sub
thank you,, very good it works perfectly
is there any way to make any different sign like( font color, bold font ) for the folder names?
right now folder path is separated from the rest with empty row but yes you can have that too
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim xFSO As Object Dim xFolder As Object Dim xFile As Object Dim xPath As String Dim i As Long For Each Sheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If Sheet.Name = "Files" Then Sheets("Files").Cells.Delete f = True Exit For Else f = False End If Next If Not f Then Sheets.Add.Name = "Files" Sheets("Files").Select xPath = "C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\New folder" Set xFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set xFolder = xFSO.GetFolder(xPath) For Each xFile In xFolder.Files i = i + 1 ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Cells(i, 1), xFile.Path, , , xFile.Name Next With CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") For Each xFolder In .GetFolder(xPath).SubFolders ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(i + 2, 1), _ Address:=xPath & Application.PathSeparator & xFolder.Name, _ TextToDisplay:=xFolder.Name Cells(i + 2, 1).Font.Bold = True Cells(i + 2, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 8 i = i + 1 Next End With End Sub
amazing as usual
can add the "modified date" of the files in another column beside the column of the names of the files??
this will help to sort the file according to modified date.
kind regards,,
Try this
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim xFSO As Object Dim xFolder As Object Dim xFile As Object Dim xPath As String Dim i As Long For Each Sheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If Sheet.Name = "Files" Then Sheets("Files").Cells.Delete f = True Exit For Else f = False End If Next If Not f Then Sheets.Add.Name = "Files" Sheets("Files").Select xPath = "C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\New folder" Set xFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set xFolder = xFSO.GetFolder(xPath) For Each xFile In xFolder.Files i = i + 1 ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Cells(i + 1, 1), xFile.Path, , , xFile.Name ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = xFile.DateLastModified ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 3).Value = xFile.DateCreated ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 4).Value = xFile.DateLastAccessed Next With CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") For Each xFolder In .GetFolder(xPath).SubFolders ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(i + 3, 1), _ Address:=xPath & Application.PathSeparator & xFolder.Name, _ TextToDisplay:=xFolder.Name Cells(i + 3, 1).Font.Bold = True Cells(i + 3, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 8 ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 3, 2).Value = xFolder.DateLastModified ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 3, 3).Value = xFolder.DateCreated ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 3, 4).Value = xFolder.DateLastAccessed i = i + 1 Next End With Range("A1").FormulaR1C1 = "Name" Range("B1").FormulaR1C1 = "DateLastModified" Range("C1").FormulaR1C1 = "DateCreated" Range("D1").FormulaR1C1 = "DateLastAccessed" Columns("A:D").EntireColumn.AutoFit End Sub
Last edited by AC PORTA VIA; 11-03-2020 at 09:49 PM.
IT WORKS, but for sorry it lists the modified date in another sheet, not in the same sheet
It creates new sheet named “ Files” to prevent overwriting anything in active sheet
Everything you need should be on the same sheet-
Name DateLastModified DateCreated DateLastAccessed
thanks ,,
what i got is file names in a sheet and all other dates in another sheet, so does at what macro do?
Macro runs fine when I ran it
All info with file name hyperlink and modified date are on the same sheet named Files
There is something in your workbook that switch between sheet name Files and some other sheet in the middle of running macro
Do you have any other macro in your workbook?
Use macro below - just remainder anything in active sheet in the first 4 columns ( A-D) will be deleted before new data is added
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim xFSO As Object Dim xFolder As Object Dim xFile As Object Dim xPath As String Dim i As Long ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Rows.Count, 4)).ClearContents ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Rows.Count, 4)).ClearFormats xPath = "C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\New folder" Set xFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set xFolder = xFSO.GetFolder(xPath) For Each xFile In xFolder.Files i = i + 1 ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Cells(i + 1, 1), xFile.Path, , , xFile.Name ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = xFile.DateLastModified ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 3).Value = xFile.DateCreated ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 4).Value = xFile.DateLastAccessed Next With CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") For Each xFolder In .GetFolder(xPath).SubFolders ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(i + 3, 1), _ Address:=xPath & Application.PathSeparator & xFolder.Name, _ TextToDisplay:=xFolder.Name Cells(i + 3, 1).Font.Bold = True Cells(i + 3, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 8 ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 3, 2).Value = xFolder.DateLastModified ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 3, 3).Value = xFolder.DateCreated ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 3, 4).Value = xFolder.DateLastAccessed i = i + 1 Next End With Range("A1").FormulaR1C1 = "Name" Range("B1").FormulaR1C1 = "DateLastModified" Range("C1").FormulaR1C1 = "DateCreated" Range("D1").FormulaR1C1 = "DateLastAccessed" Columns("A:D").EntireColumn.AutoFit End Sub
Last edited by AC PORTA VIA; 11-06-2020 at 09:45 AM.
perfect as usual, but there are extra "xPath" in the code, but when I remove it, it works fantastic
I really appreciated it![]()
You are welcome
Glad it works for you
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