I can't test this meaningfully without your file but try this. If it doesn't work then attach your file (see yellow banner at the top of the page).
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim R As Long ' row
For R = 9 To 744
If Range("BE" & R).Value > 326.49 Then
Range("BC" & R).Value = 1
End If
If Range("BE" & R).Value > 326.49 Then
Do Until Range("BE" & R).Value < 326.49
Range("BC" & R).Value = Range("BC" & R).Value + 1
End If
Next R
End Sub
There are two ways to add code tags. One is to select the code part of the text so it is highlighted, then press the "#" button in the edit controls. The other is to simply type in the tags:
' your code goes here