Quote Originally Posted by AlphaFrog View Post
Whenever you change the calculation mode in your code, include a line that displays the mode in a cell e.g.

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Range("A1").Value = "Manual"
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Range("A1").Value = "Automatic"
Yeah, I thought about that.

I do have an hidden sheet where I write/store many different things like that using VBA (like last refresh time for example). I then use a simple = formula in the cells I want the info to be displayed in, that refers to that unique cell on my hidden sheet. But I was hesitant to go that route, as it seemed a bit sketchy to rely on formulas for an AUTO/MANUAL calculation marker, and wanted to avoid using the VBA to Range("").Value to write on 20 different sheets or so. Plus, thought I could maybe learn a new trick.

So do I have to assume that this can't be done via an OnEvent procedure ? If so, I'll probably go with what you suggested.