Trying to fancy up my excel VBA userforms a little. Does anyone know how to create rounded corners on the forms?
Is there anything else you can do to make them look a little more attractive? Drop shadows etc?
Trying to fancy up my excel VBA userforms a little. Does anyone know how to create rounded corners on the forms?
Is there anything else you can do to make them look a little more attractive? Drop shadows etc?
You will need to use Windows API. Personally, I'd not bother with it
But check Leith Ross's code in thread linked below.
Note: When tested on my environment (Win10, Excel 64bit, I had to make few changes). Specifically, where API functions were declared to return LongPtr had to be changed to Long. See attached.
"Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something."
― Robert A. Heinlein
Thank you for your honest opinion, and apologies for my delayed reply. I thought I had replied previously.
I had come across Leith Ross's code which rendered with the approximate beauty of Chewbacca's Backside in a thong! I also have win10, Excel 64bit, so maybe this is the issue, or maybe, just like Chewbacca's ar*e, it's never going to be pretty.
I'm a whizz with Excel, and my business runs entirely on its abilities to automate the mundane stuff. I think I'm going to have to brush up a little on the VBA before having a fully fledged system that looks as pretty as it runs. I refuse to purchase that which I can learn to design myself!
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