I have 15000 worksheets. I have already coding for opening all the worksheet and closing it.
My issue is: I have to copy 108 values from multiple worksheets into one main MASTER sheet. But every sheet has different layout. How can I use one coding for all the sheets to copy specific data into the respective column of Master sheet.
For eg:
Master sheet header is: Meter No, Device ID, Program File ID, Hardware ,Firmware
In sheet 1: Meter No: B36,Device ID:C27 , Program File ID: E28 , Hardware: A42 ,Firmware: B42
In sheet 2: Meter No: B37,Device ID:C26 , Program File ID: E27 , Hardware: A43 ,Firmware: B43
In sheet 3: Meter No: B38,Device ID:C25, Program File ID: E26 , Hardware: A44 ,Firmware: B44
and so on for 15000 sheets.
Please help me in figuring this out.
your help is appreciated!