I am needing help with a macro to pull all data from a certain range from multiple different workbooks all saved in the same folder. The name of the files change each month and is not consistent, so I am hoping there is a way to just pull all files in the folder without knowing the file names?
Step 1) navigate to folder pathway using cell Q1 pathway on "Tieout" tab.
Step 2) open first workbook in folder noted above and copy range A3:T3 and down (the number of rows down will vary), then paste into current workbook "Book1" on "Data Drop" tab into range A3:T3.
Step 3) loop through remaining workbooks and copy range A3:T3 and down, paste into current workbook "Book1" on "Data Drop" tab under the prior range pasted so data is not pasted over. The number of rows being copied from each workbook will be different.
Thank you!!