Quote Originally Posted by xladept View Post
Thanks for the rep!

Try this:

Sub SplitRepSS(): Dim wm As Worksheet, wd As Worksheet
Dim P, Q, R, c As Integer, n As Integer, u As Long
Dim k As Integer, e As Integer, d As Integer
Set wm = Sheets("Master"): Set wd = Sheets("DoubleColumn")
u = wm.UsedRange.Rows.Count: c = 3: n = 34 'rows on first page
    Do: d = IIf(k = 0, 1, 2 * k * n - 2): e = IIf(k = 0, 1, 1 + k * n)
    P = wm.Cells(d, 1).Resize(n, 4): wd.Cells(e, 1).Resize(n, 4) = P
    Q = wm.Cells(d, 6).Resize(n, 1): wd.Cells(e, 5).Resize(n, 1) = Q
    R = wm.Cells(d, 9).Resize(n, 1): wd.Cells(e, 6).Resize(n, 1) = R
P = wm.Cells(n + d, 1).Resize(n, 4): wd.Cells(e + c, 8).Resize(n - c, 4) = P
Q = wm.Cells(n + d, 6).Resize(n, 1): wd.Cells(e + c, 12).Resize(n - c, 1) = Q
R = wm.Cells(n + d, 9).Resize(n, 1): wd.Cells(e + c, 13).Resize(n - c, 1) = R
              c = 0: k = k + 1: Loop Until d > u
  wd.Cells(1, 8).Resize(3, 6).Value = wd.Cells(1, 1).Resize(3, 6).Value
End Sub


I wanted to reach back out to you to see if you could help me out with one change I'd like to make this code work even better for me. I have headers that sometimes fall on the very last row of a column and sometimes goes missed when reading the report (i.e. you don't realize a new section of the report started because it's so far down the page). I would like to try to bump this to the next column, by adding a row before it if the header falls on the last line of the page or insert a line at the start of the new column/page that gives the Header text plus "(cont'd)"

The Header will always start with ";;ColumnHead" so perhaps knowing whether ;;ColumnHead falls on a multiple of 34 (number of rows on first page), insert row.