'ISSROWTARGET should return the row of the selected from ISS_ID_DD_Combo box'
'Dyn_Range is a dinamic range =OFFSET(Data_Master!$B$6,0,0,Engine!$D$2,1)
'The range for the interger atm is 5 lines'
'This results in a Runtime Error 1004 ISSROWTARGET = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ISS_ID_DD_Combo, Sheets("Data_Master").Range("Dyn_Range"), 0)'
'This results in a Runtime Error 13 ISSROWTARGET = Application.Match(ISS_ID_DD_Combo, Sheets(4).Range("Dyn_Range"), 0)
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim ISSROWTARGET As Integer ISSROWTARGET = Application.Worksheetfuction.Match(ISS_ID_DD_Combo, Sheets("Data_Master").Range("Dyn_Range"), 0) MsgBox ISSROWTARGET End Sub