I have an index match that works; however, i cannot seem to figure out how to translate it to VBA code. Essentially, I have criteria from 4 columns that I am trying to match to 4 columns on a second spreadsheet. The second spreadsheet is a report that has character limits so most of the criteria is not an exact match.

Here's my index - match array that works

=IF(ISERROR(INDEX('2019'!C:C,MATCH("*"&Q5&"*"&"*"&C5&"*"&"*"&D5&"*"&"*"&M5&"*",'2019'!O:O&'2019'!N:N&'2019'!M:M&'2019'!P:P,0),1)),"No Match","Match")

Essentially I am looking to see if there is a 'partial' match on all 4 criteria; then place "Match" in column "S" of that row otherwise "No Match" in that column

Q5, C5, D5 and M5 are in Sheet 1; Sheet 2 = 2019, Columns O, N, M, P (respectively)

I am looking to see if there is:
A partial match of the Cell Q5 in sheet 2019 column O:O
partial match of Cell C5 in sheet 2019 column N:N
partial match of the Cell D5 in sheet 2019 column M:M
partial match of the Cell M5 in sheet 2019 column P:P

I will check each row in sheet 1 to see if there is a match and copy that match to a separate page or just put "Match" in column "S" of Sheet 1....

Been trying to figure this out for too long .... Can anyone help?