Hi all,
Struggling with this one, even how to describe it.
I have a raw data sheet that has lines of data, for this example I have only used 1 "R order number" (Column E) but in reality there could be 50 to 100. Each R Order Number could have several lines in the Raw Data sheet, and the count is based upon "R Line Number" (Column Y). This example has 1,2 and 3.
On each of those three lines will have subtle differences in several columns which would cause the requirement for a copy of a line to be pasted into the extract sheet and edit Column AM with a new value. These rules are extensive and are included in the workbook. So the three rows can become 10 rows in the extract. The next set of data is appended to the bottom. of the extract list.
I am at a complete loss. The VBA I have created is creating duplicate from RAW Data to the extract sheet, but then I start struggling with amendment of column AM.
So for instance
First rule is if Column AM has a value of "BR", then paste two identical rows in the extract sheet, and in one row put "B" in column AM, and in the other row, put "R" in column AM.
So if each of my RAW Data rows 1,2 & 3 have BR in AM, then I will need 6 rows.
Private Sub ConunandButton1_C1ick()
a = Worksheets("Raw Data").Ce11s(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'a counts last row in sheet
For i = 2 To a 'from row 2 to a(last row in sheet1)
If Worksheets("Raw Data").Cells(i, 39).Value = "BR" Then '(if column 39 equals the criteria - amend column number to assess)
Worksheets("Raw Data").Rows(i).Copy
b = Worksheets("Extract").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlüp).Row
Worksheets("Extract").Cells(b + i, i).Select
Worksheets("Extract").Cells(b + i, i).Select
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Sorry all, I am just struggling with this one. The rules have been handed to me so trying to do my best to explain. Any Help is appreciated.