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One line of Data duplicated into multiple lines changing values of some lines

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  1. #1
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: One line of Data duplicated into multiple lines changing values of some lines

    This macro meets your "RULES", but the results have a few more rows than your example results, I believe it is because all 3 sample rows have "YES" in column AY.

    Option Explicit
    Option Compare Text
    Sub CreateExtract()
    Dim LR As Long, Rw As Long, NR As Long
    Dim OrderNums As String
    Dim wsIN As Worksheet, wsOUT As Worksheet
    Set wsIN = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Raw Data")
    Set wsOUT = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Extract")
    LR = wsIN.Range("A" & wsIN.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    NR = 2
    For Rw = 2 To LR
        If InStr(wsIN.Range("AM" & Rw).Value, "B") > 0 Then
            wsIN.Rows(Rw).Copy wsOUT.Range("A" & NR)
            wsOUT.Range("AM" & NR).Value = "Back"
            NR = NR + 1
        End If
        If InStr(wsIN.Range("AM" & Rw).Value, "R") > 0 Then
            wsIN.Rows(Rw).Copy wsOUT.Range("A" & NR)
            wsOUT.Range("AM" & NR).Value = "Round"
            NR = NR + 1
        End If
    'Site Clear (only 1 order number per Extract table)
        If InStr(OrderNums, wsIN.Range("E" & Rw).Value) = 0 Then
            wsIN.Rows(Rw).Copy wsOUT.Range("A" & NR)
            wsOUT.Range("AM" & NR).Value = "Site Clear"
            OrderNums = OrderNums & "," & wsIN.Range("E" & Rw).Value
            NR = NR + 1
        End If
        If wsIN.Range("AY" & Rw).Value = "YES" Then
            wsIN.Rows(Rw).Copy wsOUT.Range("A" & NR)
            wsOUT.Range("AM" & NR).Value = "Surplus"
            NR = NR + 1
        End If
    'Dra Rep
        If wsIN.Range("BF" & Rw).Value = "YES" Then
            wsIN.Rows(Rw).Copy wsOUT.Range("A" & NR)
            wsOUT.Range("AM" & NR).Value = "Dra Rep"
            NR = NR + 1
        End If
    'Spec Sur
        If wsIN.Range("BH" & Rw).Value = "YES" Then
            wsIN.Rows(Rw).Copy wsOUT.Range("A" & NR)
            wsOUT.Range("AM" & NR).Value = "Spec Sur"
            NR = NR + 1
        End If
    Next Rw
    End Sub
    Microsoft MVP 2010 - Excel
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  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Re: One line of Data duplicated into multiple lines changing values of some lines

    That's great, works brilliantly. However I can't see in the code how it deals with a "BR" and splits them to a B and an R? I can see a B to become back, and R to become Round, but somehow it works for the BR. Sorry just curious so I can learn from this. Its awesome though! Really appreciated

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