I created this VBA code to average one or more ranges of nonzero numbers.
Some example uses would be:
Option Explicit Function avgNonZeros(ParamArray rangeList() As Variant) As Variant ** 'Returns the average for all nonzeros of rangeList. ** 'rangeList may be one or multiple ranges. ** Dim cell As Range ** Dim i As Long ** Dim totSum As Long ** Dim cnt As Long ** DoEvents 'allows calculations prior to performing ** avgNonZeros = 0 'default return ** For i = LBound(rangeList) To UBound(rangeList) ***** For Each cell In rangeList(i) ******** If cell <> 0 Then *********** totSum = totSum + cell *********** cnt = cnt + 1 ******** End If ***** Next cell ** Next i ** If cnt <> 0 Then avgNonZeros = totSum / cnt End Function