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Loop through worksheets containing graphs, copy both ChartObjects into another sheet

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TheEnd Loop through worksheets... 03-04-2020, 07:31 AM
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    Loop through worksheets containing graphs, copy both ChartObjects into another sheet

    In my Workbook, I have multiple worksheets that each contain 2 graphs – I want to loop through these sheets copying ChartObjects("Chart 1") and ChartObjects("Chart 2") to appear side-by-side in another sheet named "Graphs".

    To clarify, the worksheets that contain 2 graphs are named "Album", "Single", "CD" and "Cassette". I want to first select the “Album” sheet, copy ChartObjects("Chart 1") into cell A3 of “Graphs” and ChartObjects("Chart 2") into cell K3 of "Graphs", next I want to select the “Single” sheet and copy ChartObjects("Chart 1") into cell A24 of “Graphs” and ChartObjects("Chart 2") into cell K24 of "Graphs", and so on for “CD”, “Cassette” etc, etc.

    I have researched this problem but could not find a solution, as such I am currently using a code that simply selects each sheet in turn and copy/pastes the graphs - I am sure there is a better approach unfortunately it's beyond my limited VBA skills.

    Please let me know if anything needs to be clarified.

    I did ask a similar question on StackOverflow but it was closed by the moderators for being "unfocussed" (I haven't been able to post the link as it's my first post here) - I sent them a re-worded post but it is still closed.

    Regards, TE
    Last edited by TheEnd; 03-04-2020 at 07:44 AM. Reason: Cross-posting reason

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