Hi All,
I have a simple userform, which I want to use the values entered in TextBoxMin and TextBoxDOB to lookup my Spreadsheet Range (C3:I12) and return the corresponding values to populate TextboxName, TextBoxCS, TextBoxCP, TextBoxSS, TextBoxDate.
For Example:
If the user filled in MIN and DOB, Afterupdate() would vlookup the spreadsheet Range(C3:I12), then and populate Name, Current Hospital, Current Position, Subspecialty and Date. i.e Min1 and Dob1 = Name1, Hospital1, Position1, Subspecialty1, Date1.
I have attached my workbook.
I attempted and failed and searched forums and google, but unfortunately not having much luck. Any help would be great!!
Private Sub TextBoxDOB_Afterupdate()
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Range("c4:i12")
If IsText(Application.Match(c, texbox23.Value, 0)) Then
TextBoxName.Value = Test
End If
Next c
End Sub
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