We don't want to see real file.
Will you please attach a SMALL
sample Excel workbook(s) (10-20 rows of data is usually enough)? Please don't attach a picture of one (no-one will want to re-type all your stuff before starting).
1. Make sure that your sample data are truly REPRESENTATIVE of your real data. (If trere are typical cases like: all unique values/duplicates could occur, day/night, nobody present/several persons at once, before/on/past due, etc. - please show them all or at least indicate in text) The use of unrepresentative data is very frustrating and can lead to long delays in reaching a solution.
2. Make sure that your desired solution(s) is/are also shown (mock up the results manually).
3. Make sure that all confidential/restricted information (either personal or business) like real e-mails, social security numbers, bank accounts, etc. is removed first!!
To attach an Excel file you have to do the following: Just before posting, scroll down and press Go Advanced button and then scroll down and press
Manage Attachments link. Now follow the instructions at the top of that pop-up screen.
If (I doubt) your network settings do allow you to write posts on a forum, but not to send attachements, you may use one of a tools dedicated for forums, which do not allow attachements like the one described here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c430RhzzhYQ or other similar