I have the following problem with the table below: In column “F” I have a formula that takes the effective day and adds two business days to it. I am using the following formula: =WORKDAY.INTL(E2,2,1,H2:H17)
To see what is due today, I filter that column (“F”) to today.
The problem is, it works well most days, but:
Tuesdays it pulls Friday, Saturday and Sunday (which is correct), and then Wednesdays it gives me what was effective on Mondays,
The problem is, I need it to include Saturday and Sunday on Wednesdays (anything ordered over the weekend should be due two days after).
A B C D E F 1 Name Number Location Ordered date Effective Date Due (Eff+2 days) 2 Doe, John 12345 West Hall 1/22/2020 1/26/2020 1/28/2020 3 Doe, Jane 56789 Triaging 1/22/2020 1/26/2020 1/28/2020
Is it possible to do that?