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Excel VBA Code to find two words near each other (proximity search)

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    Excel VBA Code to find two words near each other (proximity search)

    Hello -

    I am having a difficulty coming up with a macro that would do all of the following:
    1. Search a column of texts where two words are near each other regardless of order (e.g., within 5 words of each other)
    2. Highlight those cells
    3. Variations of the same word (e.g., charge, charges, charged, charging) needs to be taken into account

    I am relatively new to using VBA, so I appreciate any help or insight!

    Example: I want to find and highlight the cells in a column where the word "incorrect" is within 3 words of "bill"
    1. The vendor billed the company incorrectly. -> this cell would be highlighted
    2. The vendor sent an incorrect bill to the company. -> this cell would be highlighted
    3. The vendor did not send a bill to the company. -> this cell would not be highlighted

    I was thinking to use Regular Expression. Any thoughts?
    Last edited by demiwen12; 01-13-2020 at 09:54 PM.

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