Black Duck Black Duck Black Duck...
Just trying to help so that in future you know exactly what you need to do to expedite assistance...So the next time round, no time is wasted on unnecessary code...
tasks within that project that are assigned to that workerWell...If you had started with this then this thread could have been solved days ago......additionally, 'all tasks' includes ANY row of data on each sheet that has the WHO in Column A
My response in Post #2 refers
Next...Your expected results is incorrect...Only "Current tasks" - Right
WFC has more than just one entry...It has 3
Am Warehouse is actually Am WH
SWaRA includes entries for AB/JT as well ...You did not mention that shared employee tasks should also be extracted...
Lastly which should actually be the most important...Get rid of your merged cells...They just create havoc with VBA...
I have attached a file housing the new code...with the correct results extracted...
Have only extracted columns A to C...