Hi Black Duck
Your post #1 refers...
My response in Post #2 refersI want to be able to create a separate list of all tasks assigned to a selected worker
Hence this snippet within the code...Only "Current tasks" - Right
Your sample 2 upload has this code changed to...![]()
Set fnd = .Range("A:G").Find("Current Tasks", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
May I ask why...![]()
Set fnd = .Range("A:G").Find("SB", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
Changing that snippet back to original solves...
When I select WHO from cell [A2] in "Your tasks" sheet it lists all the "CURRENT TASKS" for that selected WHO...
I think the best option is for you to upload a sample file once again with the expected result required displayed...This will ensure accuracy...