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Trying to optimize VBA code for Excel 365

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  1. #1
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    Trying to optimize VBA code for Excel 365

    Hi everyone,

    Like many people, I have VBA code which worked smooth and fast using Excel 2010 but slowed to a crawl when we moved to Excel 365. I'm assuming the code needs to be optimize and I'm trying to think of ways how. Below is sample code which is structurally representative of much of the macros in the workbook:

    Sub M()
    Dim rngC As Range
    Set WM = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("XYZ")
    Set rngC = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("ABC").Range("A3")
    Set WN = ActiveWorkbook
                    For i = 1 To 80
                    If WN.Worksheets(2).Cells(1, i) = "GRAND TOTAL" And WN.Worksheets(2).Cells(7, i) Like "US*" Then
                        WN.Worksheets("ABC").Range("C25").Value = WN.Worksheets(2).Cells(44, i).Value
                        WM.Range("A1:A60").Find(rngC.Value).Offset(0, 2) = "USD"
                        WM.Range("A1:A60").Find(rngC.Value).Offset(0, 6) = Now
                    End If
                    Next i
    I thought perhaps there's a way to apply multiple offsets to a single Find line but i'm not sure if that's a thing. Any ideas?


  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Trying to optimize VBA code for Excel 365

    My proposal, although without an example of data it is difficult to find specific solutions:
    1. Early binding could be used
    2. You could improve the addressing of objects a bit - standardize them a bit
    3. Are cells "A3" and "C25" involved in calculating some values ​​"on the fly" for formulas in other cells ?
    4. Data could be loaded from a spreadsheet to memory - calculations would be faster - but see point 3, which complicates the matter
    5. You can divide the "If" conditions into two separate conditions, it should work faster

    For example:
    Sub M_2()
        Dim wsXyz As Excel.Worksheet, awWs2 As Excel.Worksheet, awWsAbc As Excel.Worksheet
        Dim wsXyzA1A60 As Excel.Range, awWsAbcA3 As Excel.Range, awWsAbcC25 As Excel.Range
        Dim rslt As Excel.Range
        Dim i&
        Set wsXyz = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("XYZ")
        Set wsXyzA1A60 = wsXyz.Range("A1:A60")
        With ActiveWorkbook
            Set awWs2 = .Worksheets(2)
            Set awWsAbc = .Worksheets("ABC")
        End With
        Set awWsAbcA3 = awWsAbc.Range("A3")
        Set awWsAbcC25 = awWsAbc.Range("C25")
        For i = 1 To 80
            If awWs2.Cells(1, i).Value = "GRAND TOTAL" Then
                If awWs2.Cells(7, i).Value Like "US*" Then
                    awWsAbcC25.Value = awWs2.Cells(44, i).Value
                    'wsXyzA1A60.Find(awWsAbcA3.Value).Offset(0, 2).Value = "USD"
                    'wsXyzA1A60.Find(awWsAbcA3.Value).Offset(0, 6).Value = Now
                    Set rslt = wsXyzA1A60.Find(awWsAbcA3.Value, wsXyzA1A60.Cells(60), , xlWhole, xlByRows)
                    If Not rslt Is Nothing Then
                        With rslt
                            .Range(.Offset(0, 2), .Offset(0, 6)).Value = Array("USD", , , , Now)
                        End With
                        Set rslt = Nothing
                    End If
                End If
            End If
    End Sub

  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Trying to optimize VBA code for Excel 365

    I've noticed the same problem (code running fine in 2010 running noticeably slower in 365). I would be very interested to learn how this could be improved.

    In regards to your sample code, I can see a few ways you could squeeze better performance out of this while still running it on a worksheet (Personally I prefer to read/write sheets twice only - read the data, process everything with an array(s) and then write it back once - this is exponentially faster. However this approach may not work for you if your code is heavily tied to the worksheets. I can't recommend this without knowing what you are doing)

    Code below. I have made comments to explain what I have changed to improve the performance.

    Sub M()
        Dim rngC As Range
        Dim blnFound As Boolean
        Set WM = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("XYZ")
        Set rngC = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("ABC").Range("A3")
        Set WN = ActiveWorkbook
        With WN ' use With to reduce multiple references of the same object
                ' start the With outside the loop if possible
            For i = 1 To 80
                blnFound = False ' reset condition variable at start of each loop
                With .Worksheets(2)
                    If .Cells(1, i).Value2 = "GRAND TOTAL" Then
                        ' two conditions need to be passed.
                        ' by separating these conditions into nested Ifs, it can reduce the amount of processing required
                        ' (if a record fails the 1st condition, nested Ifs avoid wasting time checking the 2nd condition.)
                        ' (Put the least likely condition as the topmost nested If to discard more efficiently
                        blnFound = (Left$(.Cells(7, i), 2).Value2 = "US") ' Left/Right/Mid functions are faster than Like.
                    End If
                End With
                If blnFound Then
                    .Worksheets("ABC").Range("C25").Value = .Worksheets(2).Cells(44, i).Value
                    With WM.Range("A1:A60").Find(rngC.Value) ' why is a range being used for the Find condition?
                                                             ' is this cell value dynamically changing as this macro runs?
                                                             ' if not/if this cell value is static, store the value as a string variable and use that instead
                                                             ' that would avoid needing to read the same cell repeatedly
                        .Offset(0, 2).Value2 = "USD"
                        .Offset(0, 6).Value2 = Now
                    End With
                End If
            Next i
        End With

    HELP WANTED! (Links to Forum threads)
    Trying to create reusable code for Custom Events at Workbook (not Application) level


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