Hello Everyone,

I have two AUTORUN macro's ... one runs every 15 secs and one run every 15 mins. These two are running (auto running) without any conflict and I'm happy but I have a specific need --------- I want these two NOT to run at one particular interval (every Friday from 8:55 AM to 10:15 AM). I have managers meeting during this time and I don't want this sheet get updated (as this will be projected on a big monitor).

Below goes the two autorun macro's ----- can someone please modify such that these two not during that one interval ---- I would really appreciate if someone can dig it. Thanks a lot in advance!!

Sub RunEvery15Mins()

    Call Workbook_Open

    Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:4:00"), "RunEvery15Mins"

End Sub

Dim VA, VT, Rg As Range

Private Sub Display()
    If Rg Is Nothing Or IsEmpty(VA) Then Exit Sub
    ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = Rg.Row
    Set Rg = Rg.End(xlDown):  If IsEmpty(Rg) Then Set Rg = [B3]
    VT = Now + VA
    Application.OnTime VT, "ThisWorkbook.Display"
End Sub

Sub ScrollStart()
    Set Rg = [B3]
    VA = 15 / 86400
    ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
End Sub

Sub ScrollStop()
    Application.OnTime VT, "ThisWorkbook.Display", , False
    Set Rg = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    If Not Rg Is Nothing Then ScrollStop
End Sub