I have a checkbox that controls whether or not a bunch of cells should have data validation applied. there is a workbook.open event that applies data validation to J18:N23 upon open
Worksheets("Model").Range("J18:N23").Validation.Delete didn't work. when I checked the box, the validation still exists in those cells. can someone please let me know how to make it work?
thanks so muchPHP Code:
Private Sub Revenue_Click()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = Worksheets("Scenarios")
If Revenue.Value = True Then sh.Range("B12") = "Revenue"
[FONT=Arial Black]Worksheets("Model").Range("J18:N23").Validation.Delete[/FONT]
If Revenue.Value = False Then sh.Range("B12") = ""
Worksheets("Model").Range("J18:N23").Validation.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
Formula1:="% Growth from Prev. Year,Source Company,Scenario"
End Sub