Hello All!

I'm fairly new to Excel VBA and Macro recording but have made giant strides in my project.
If someone could help me with my next task, I'd be very close to complete! Whoo hoo

Thank you in advance!

Every month I get meter readings from a job site. The meter records continuously, every 15 minutes, so ideally there are 96 recordings PER DAY. And there are 6 additional data points. 7 columns total, A:G.

I have a macro set up to automatically generate a worksheet for every day of the month.

What I would like to be able to do is have a macro that searches the main worksheet (with ALL of the data points) and copies all 7 columns that have a 10/1/2019 and pastes it in the worksheet titled 10/1/2019. And on and on...

DATE is in column A.

Is this possible??