Hi All,
I'm working on a master sheet which contains 50,000 users that belong to 140 departments. So I split them to 140 worksheets using this script:-
Then I save them as seperate CSV files using this script:-
My issue is that the master sheet has one column contains Arabic names and Two others Columns contain long numbers >15. So there are two Scenarios.
1-When I Save the files as xlCSVUTF8 the Arabic names are OK but Long numbers are converted in e.g. 9.71434E+14.
2- When I Save the files as xlCSVMac the long numbers are OK ( no scientific notation) but Arabic names are turned into ?????.
I have tried all the csv format but only UTF 8 accepts arabic.
Import Text wizard solution is not effective as I have so many files.
Is there any way to get all the csv files fixed and have Arabic names and numbers OK?