Hi all,
I've been studying VBA through an online course and literally love it. I'm glad I joined this forum for the really hard macros that I just haven't learned how to do yet...so I'm back today for some more help
Basically, I'm trying to write a macro in the spreadsheet that I attached. This macro would take data from the FY19 tab and paste it into the Raw_data tab. This would be super easy if I wanted to copy ALL of the data from the FY19 tab but I don't. I only want to copy specific columns (without copying the headers). So, I highlighted the columns in green that I want to copy (these will not always be highlighted green but the name of the column will always be the same) from the FY19 tab.
How would I write a macro that looks for those specific column names and pastes the data (all the way to the bottom of the column and not including the header) to Raw_data?
Thanks in advance!