I am trying to use a textbox for a Click button to "find Next" whatever is typed in the adjacent search box. I was able to make the button work but it goes through the whole loop. I cant figure out how to just find one match and stop and not look for the next until the find next button is clicked. heres my code
Sub Searchtoollist() Dim SearchRange As Range Dim Itemcell As Range Dim ItemName As String Dim FirstItemCell As String ItemName = Range("D11") Set SearchRange = Range("C15:E15", Range("C14:E14").End(xlDown)) Set Itemcell = SearchRange.find(what:=ItemName, MatchCase:=False, LookAt:=xlPart) If Itemcell Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Not found" Else FirstItemCell = Itemcell.Address Do Itemcell.Select Set Itemcell = SearchRange.FindNext(Itemcell) Loop While Itemcell.Address <> FirstItemCell End If End Sub