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Creating a macro to split data into separate workbooks and separate worksheets

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  1. #1
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    Creating a macro to split data into separate workbooks and separate worksheets

    Hi - I have a data file that contains the following columns: Name, Region Name, Territory Name, Address, City, State, Zip

    I would like to create a macro that would break this data down into separate workbooks by region. There are 9 different regions. I would also like these 9 individual region files to split into multiple worksheets based on the amount of territories per region (i.e. the west region has 10 territories, so it would have 10 separate worksheets of data for the west region file).

    Attached is the file i have created so far. I have created the macro to split the files into regions and save them to a specific path on my desktop, however, i need the next step of breaking them into multiple worksheets per region file.

    I am looking to continue the code already written, however, I am open to any new code if its easier for the process. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

    Below is the code i have so far which is in the attached file.

    Sub Split_Data_in_workbooks()

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Dim data_sh As Worksheet
    Set data_sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")

    Dim setting_Sh As Worksheet
    Set setting_Sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Settings")

    Dim nwb As Workbook
    Dim nsh As Worksheet

    ''''' Get unique Region

    data_sh.AutoFilterMode = False
    data_sh.Range("B:B").Copy setting_Sh.Range("A1")

    setting_Sh.Range("A:A").RemoveDuplicates 1, xlYes

    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 2 To Application.CountA(setting_Sh.Range("A:A"))

    data_sh.UsedRange.AutoFilter 2, setting_Sh.Range("A" & i).Value

    Set nwb = Workbooks.Add
    Set nsh = nwb.Sheets(1)

    data_sh.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy nsh.Range("A1")
    nsh.UsedRange.EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 15

    nwb.SaveAs setting_Sh.Range("H6").Value & "/" & setting_Sh.Range("A" & i).Value & ".xlsx"
    nwb.Close False
    data_sh.AutoFilterMode = False
    Next i


    MsgBox "Done"

    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Greg M's Avatar
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    Re: Creating a macro to split data into separate workbooks and separate worksheets

    Hi there,

    See if the attached version of your workbook does what you need. It uses the following code:

    Option Explicit
    Const miHEADER_ROW_NO   As Integer = 1
    Const miCOLUMN_WIDTH    As Integer = 15
    Sub SeparateData()
        Const sCOLUMN_REGION    As String = "B"
        Const sDATA_SHEET       As String = "DATA"
        Dim rRangeToFilter      As Range
        Dim sRegionName         As String
        Dim colRegions          As Collection
        Dim iRegionNo           As Integer
        Dim wksData             As Worksheet
        Set wksData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sDATA_SHEET)
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    '   Before starting, ensure that no previously-existing filter has been applied
        wksData.AutoFilterMode = False
        Set rRangeToFilter = mrRangeToFilter(wksData:=wksData)
    '   Retrieve a collection containing all of the Region names
        Set colRegions = mcolFilterCriteria(rRangeToFilter:=rRangeToFilter, _
    '   Scan through each of the Region names
        For iRegionNo = 1 To colRegions.Count
    '       Determine the current Region name
            sRegionName = colRegions(iRegionNo)
    '       Create a new workbook to contain the data for the current Region name
            Call CreateNewWorkbook(rRangeToFilter:=rRangeToFilter, _
                                   sCriteriaColumn:=sCOLUMN_REGION, _
        Next iRegionNo
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        MsgBox colRegions.Count & " workbooks created", _
               vbInformation, "Operation completed"
    End Sub
    Sub CreateNewWorkbook(rRangeToFilter As Range, _
                          sCriteriaColumn As String, sRegionName As String)
        Const sEXTENSION    As String = ".xlsx"
        Dim wksRegion       As Worksheet
        Dim wbkRegion       As Workbook
        Dim sFullName       As String
        Dim iFieldNo        As Integer
        sFullName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & sRegionName & sEXTENSION
        Application.StatusBar = "Creating workbook for region: " & sRegionName
            With rRangeToFilter
                iFieldNo = .Columns(sCriteriaColumn).Column
                .AutoFilter Field:=iFieldNo, Criteria1:=sRegionName
                Set wbkRegion = Workbooks.Add
                Set wksRegion = ActiveSheet
                With rRangeToFilter.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
                    .Copy Destination:=wksRegion.Cells(1, 1)
                End With
                wksRegion.UsedRange.EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = miCOLUMN_WIDTH
                Call CreateNewWorksheets(wbkRegion:=wbkRegion)
                wbkRegion.SaveAs Filename:=sFullName
                wbkRegion.Close SaveChanges:=False
                .Parent.AutoFilterMode = False
            End With
        Application.StatusBar = False
    End Sub
    Sub CreateNewWorksheets(wbkRegion As Workbook)
        Const sCOLUMN_TERRITORY As String = "C"
        Dim rRangeToFilter      As Range
        Dim colTerritories      As Collection
        Dim wksTerritory        As Worksheet
        Dim iTerritoryNo        As Integer
        Dim wksData             As Worksheet
        Set wksData = wbkRegion.Worksheets(1)
    '   Determine the range to be filtered in the newly-created (Region) workbook
        Set rRangeToFilter = mrRangeToFilter(wksData:=wksData)
    '   Retrieve a collection containing all of the Territory names
    '   associated with the current Region name
        Set colTerritories = mcolFilterCriteria(rRangeToFilter:=rRangeToFilter, _
    '   Scan through each of the above Territory names
        For iTerritoryNo = 1 To colTerritories.Count
            With rRangeToFilter
    '           Apply the Territory filter to the main worksheet in the new workbook
                .AutoFilter Field:=(.Columns(sCOLUMN_TERRITORY).Column), _
    '           Add a new worksheet to the new workbook to contain all
    '           of the the data for the current Territory name
                With wbkRegion
                    Set wksTerritory = .Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(.Worksheets.Count))
                End With
    '           Copy the filtered (Region and Territory) data to the new worksheet
                With rRangeToFilter.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
                    .Copy Destination:=wksTerritory.Cells(1, 1)
                End With
    '           Set the column widths on the new worksheet
                wksTerritory.UsedRange.EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = miCOLUMN_WIDTH
    '           Rename the new worksheet as the current Territory name
                wksTerritory.Name = colTerritories(iTerritoryNo)
    '           Remove any filtering from the main worksheet in the new workbook
                .Parent.AutoFilterMode = False
            End With
        Next iTerritoryNo
    '   Delete the main worksheet (which contains data for ALL Territory names)
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    '   Select the first worksheet in the new workbook
    End Sub
    Private Function mrRangeToFilter(wksData As Worksheet) As Range
        With wksData
            Set mrRangeToFilter = Range(.Cells(miHEADER_ROW_NO, 1), _
        End With
    End Function
    Private Function mcolFilterCriteria(rRangeToFilter As Range, _
                                        sCriteriaColumn As String) As Collection
        Dim colFilterCriteria   As Collection
        Dim rCriteria           As Range
        Dim wksData             As Worksheet
        Dim vValue              As Variant
        Dim rCell               As Range
        Set colFilterCriteria = New Collection
        Set wksData = rRangeToFilter.Parent
        Set rCriteria = Intersect(rRangeToFilter, _
    '   Ignore the Header row in the above range
        With rCriteria
            Set rCriteria = Range(.Rows(2), _
        End With
        For Each rCell In rCriteria.Cells
    '       This routine creates a list of the unique values shown in the Criteria
    '       column, but attempting to add non-unique keys to a Collection will
    '       create an error condition - ignoring the error ensures that only
    '       unique key values are added to the Collection
            On Error Resume Next
                vValue = rCell.Value
                colFilterCriteria.Add vValue, CStr(vValue)
            On Error GoTo 0
        Next rCell
        Set mcolFilterCriteria = colFilterCriteria
    End Function
    The highlighted values may be altered to suit your requirements.

    The "child" workbooks are created in the same folder as the main workbook. If you are happy with this, the "Settings" worksheet is no longer required.

    Hope this helps - please let me know how you get on.


    Greg M
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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Creating a macro to split data into separate workbooks and separate worksheets

    This is great! Thanks for the help Greg M!

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Greg M's Avatar
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    Re: Creating a macro to split data into separate workbooks and separate worksheets

    Hi again,

    Many thanks for your very prompt feedback.

    You're welcome - glad I was able to help.


    Greg M

    P. S. Many thanks for the Reputation increase - much appreciated!
    Last edited by Greg M; 08-27-2019 at 11:42 AM. Reason: P. S. added

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