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Update Filter Pivot Table from Cell value

  1. #1
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    Update Filter Pivot Table from Cell value

    I´m trying looking for here but at now i did not.
    I have a pivot table (named Tabela) with 2 columns: Orders Code and Days to Execution (number of days)>
    I need a VBA code that filter my Pivot table according the value number in a external cell. This number could be <, > or = Column "Days to Execution".
    I founded several Vba codes but with text value in a cell reference, this don´t help me.

    Thank you so much !

    Paulo Cezar

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Excel 365 version 2501

    Re: Update Filter Pivot Table from Cell value

    I don't know enough about VBA to say whether or not this is possible, however it may help if you upload a small desensitized sample file that shows some raw data for the pivot table, the pivot table before filtering and then a manually filtered version of the pivot table so that VBA forum contributors will have a better idea of what you are attempting to accomplish.
    To upload a sample workbook click on the GO ADVANCED button below the Quick Reply window and then scroll down to Manage Attachments to open the upload window.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

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