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Need formula or VBA code that changes a cell based on three separate parameters

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    Need formula or VBA code that changes a cell based on three separate parameters


    I am not sure where to begin, but I need a formula or VBA code that changes the contents of a cell based on three separate parameters. If those parameters are not met, the cell stays as is.

    Those parameters are based on a store and their hours of operation, which can vary by day and store.

    The Data tab will always vary in size depending on the day the report is ran. The Table tab shows each store along with their hours of operation.

    This is what I am looking to do:

    In row 2, a call was sent to voicemail for store F on a Tuesday at 9:09am, but it was out of the stores normal hours of operation. I am trying to change cell E2 to match what is on the Table tab in cell A7, and any other cell in Column E that shows a call was sent to voicemail when it was actually out of the store's normal hours of operation.

    I hope that all makes sense... I haven't had coffee yet.

    Thank you in advance!
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    Last edited by Keith Biro; 07-31-2019 at 10:37 AM.

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