Hi Forum.
This description is in the attached Test too.
I need to show the 1st of May in B4, depending of the value in D10 is Yes or No.
The Case DateSerial(InputYear, 5, 1): HelligdagsNavn = "1. Maj" is working in the Module Function named X_Helligdage_Funktion.
Instead I need something as the two IF THEN below or maybe an IF THEN ELSE instead and only use the Yes.
- Rem If Sheets("Indstil").Range("D10") = "Yes" Then Case DateSerial(InputYear, 5, 1): HelligdagsNavn = "1. Maj"
- Rem If Sheets("Indstil").Range("D10") = "No" Then Case DateSerial(InputYear, 5, 1): HelligdagsNavn = ""
Anybody who can help me define the Yes(No) in the VBA Function ?
Thank you in advance.