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VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Hi all

    ON THE Front Sheet

    In cell "N6" I need a formulae/VBA where I have a cell D6 will have a number in it,lets say( 5 )
    ( between 1 & 100 this is not critical ) what I need is a If/Vlookup/or/ or VBA statement
    to check if cell a cell in the "Open Sheet ", " has either a " V or W " in it that is associated
    to the rider in D6, the database is in the "OPEN sheet" the block of cells are named
    "Open_1 " (A8-N107) and the if particular cell has a V or W then print what is in that
    cell back into " Front Sheet" N6 be it : V or W or blank cell.

    I have highlighted the row in YELLOW
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    Last edited by Potholes; 07-19-2019 at 05:16 AM. Reason: Spell check replaced sample file
    One I have learnt over the last few months, " You are NEVER too old to learn ".
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  2. #2
    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Att Ali

    Am I allowed to edit the description for this thread I think I maybe make it sound too complicated,
    I am not getting impatience I know someone may find the thread, just make it clearer.


  3. #3
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Yes, but don't make it generic in the process. Post what you are thinking of first here and let me advise. I think the word 'print' might be misleading.

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    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Scan the " Open sheet " from (A8:N107) AKA "Open1" the number in cell D6 " Front Sheet " to see
    if between columns E:N if there exists a " V" or "W" if yes place the V or W answer in cell N6 " Front Sheet ".

  5. #5
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    That's far too long and complex for a thread title (wouldn't fit, anyway).

    To be honest, if I have understood correctly (and the use of terms such as 'scan', 'print', etc. make it harder to decipher than it should be), this could be done with a formula.

    I asked you in an earlier thread whether the purpose of this was to WRITE data to the workbook or to READ data from the workbook and show it somewhere. I now think it's the latter - am I correct?

    You are still overcomplicating your descriptions - they are a bit like a bowl of spaghetti.

  6. #6
    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Hi Ali

    This is NOT the name of the thread, it is what a formulae to do, Sorry I confused you,

    The purpose to scan the database and report findings on the Front sheet.

    Scan the " Open sheet " from (A8:N107) AKA "Open1" the number in cell D6 " Front Sheet " to see
    if between columns E:N if there exists a " V" or "W" if yes place the V or W answer in cell N6 " Front Sheet ".


    Did you send me a Notification if so I lost it.
    Last edited by Potholes; 07-19-2019 at 05:30 AM.

  7. #7
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    I sent you a response to your PM yesterday - shall I send it again?

    So the Open sheet will already be populated with data - yes?

    If so, an INDEX MATCH combination should work.

  8. #8
    Forum Guru bakerman2's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

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    Avoid using Select, Selection and Activate in your code. Use With ... End With instead.
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    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Quote Originally Posted by AliGW View Post
    I sent you a response to your PM yesterday - shall I send it again?

    So the Open sheet will already be populated with data - yes?

    If so, an INDEX MATCH combination should work.
    NO to the PM, I was only trying to make you aware of my limitations.

    Thank You " Boss Lady "

  10. #10
    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Hi Rudi ( I think)

    When I enter any number in D6 I am getting a ambiguous name detected
    my worksheet is up on post 1 if that will help.

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

  11. #11
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Can be done with a formula:

    =IF(SUMPRODUCT((Open!$E$8:$N$107="V")*(Open!$B$8:$B$107="Rider "&D6))>0,"V",IF(SUMPRODUCT((Open!$E$8:$N$107="W")*(Open!$B$8:$B$107="Rider "&D6))>0,"W",""))

    I was only trying to make you aware of my limitations.
    I hope you understood my reply.

  12. #12
    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

  13. #13
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Does that mean this is solved?

  14. #14
    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Please my posting on page #10

  15. #15
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    OK - so you don't want a formula? Did I waste my time in post #11?

  16. #16
    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    I am looking at your coding trying to workout why the reference to column B, all of our references are to the Rider number eg :- 3, 5, 99, etc
    It found it for number 5 but that is all.

  17. #17
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    1. It's a formula (NOT code - two different things, and when you are working with both, you need to get the terminology right to avoid confusion).

    2. I used the rider number in column B because I was not sure that it would be the same as column A. To use column A, change it to this:

    3. Why would it return anything for any other rider? Only rider 5 has either V or W in their row on the Open tab. The tab is otherwise completely devoid of data.

  18. #18
    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Thank you for your reply.

    With endurance horse rides a around the bush here there are times that either a rider or their mount will
    call in at any of the checkpoints that they are either needing a VET or are With drawing from the ride for
    any reason so the person entering the data will on the front page enter the rider number/ checkpoint/
    time (at the CP)/ then either " V or W" that will be entered against E8-N107,

    Now the purpose for the entry at " Front Sheet" N6 is that if they enter a riders number and it has already
    been vetted out or withdrawn as a warning. Once they have either V or W that is it for the day, they CANNOT
    go out again that day, must have a 12 hour rest and another medical check.

    A bit long winded that is how they are run.

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    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    OK - now that's clearer. You will need VBA for this because you need to be able to read AND write if necessary to the workbook.

    It takes such a long time to tease basic bits of information out of you, Pete. In answer to my question in post #5, you said this:

    The purpose to scan the database and report findings on the Front sheet.

    Scan the " Open sheet " from (A8:N107) AKA "Open1" the number in cell D6 " Front Sheet " to see
    if between columns E:N if there exists a " V" or "W" if yes place the V or W answer in cell N6 " Front Sheet ".
    So, in summary, when I asked if anything needed writing to the workbook you said 'no', it needs to look up the data and return what it finds.

    Now, in post #18, the goalposts have shifted again: apparently we DO need to write back to the workbook if the value does not already exist.

    Forgive me, but I don't have the energy or the patience for this today. I'm really sorry, but I am going to have to leave it at that. I really hope that somebody can help you to untangle the spaghettit to get one coherent and logical explanation of what you want to do.

  20. #20
    Forum Guru bakerman2's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Delete the old Change-event and replace it with mine. The code was tested in your example file in Post#1 so I know it works.

  21. #21
    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Hi Bakerman2 Rudi ( I think)

    When I enter any number in D6 I am getting a ambiguous name detected

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    I will attach my working file, please look at the coding page

    There appears to conflict with the code for UPPERCASE code seems to be affecting your code.
    Your code works fine as is sort of.

    On the open sheets I have 2 riders 1 with V and 1 with W,

    When I select a rider and cell N6 returns the V or W it stays there even when the next NON sick rider number is entered.

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    Last edited by alansidman; 07-19-2019 at 09:42 PM.

  22. #22
    Forum Guru bakerman2's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    When I opened your file I found 2 WorksheetChange-event codes.


    Following code clears the Rider field before checking .

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  23. #23
    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Hi Rudi

    I did use you code, I was getting a conflict with other code with the same

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    Sintek is looking at his code with the same heading for something on another thread


  24. #24
    Forum Guru bakerman2's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Maybe third time is the good one.

    REMOVE the Uppercase Change-event and REPLACE it with the code I provided in Post#22.

    I've done it for you in the example file so you can see for yourself that it works WITHOUT any conflicts.
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  25. #25
    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet


    Your code works a treat, it is the code below that it is clashing with
    many I got to nter a rider number I get a error message

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  26. #26
    Forum Guru bakerman2's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    That code is beyond the scope of this thread.

    Please mark this thread as Solved and continue in your other thread regarding the above code.
    Last edited by bakerman2; 07-20-2019 at 06:19 AM.

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    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

    Rudi is right - this thread has now been marked as solved (by me) and any further discussions should take place here: https://www.excelforum.com/excel-pro...s-a-value.html

    This will avoid duplication of effort and confusion.

  28. #28
    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet


    Should I start a new thread re the clash of the 2 sets of code. ??

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    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet


    It's being dealt with in the other thread to which I linked above. Just stick to that thread until this clashing issue is resolved, then you can perhaps start a new thread for the next issue.

    Deal with one thing at a time, please, otherwise it gets confusing for everyone.

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    Forum Contributor Potholes's Avatar
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    Re: VBA- to scan for a particular code off a data sheet print result on Front Sheet

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