
Background: The Accounting Manager at my job has 3 workbooks with about 24 worksheets on each workbook. He wants to keep only these three workbooks, but has an accounting team working on different sheets in each workbook. He would like a signature in each worksheet recording the person's name, a timestamp indicating when they completed the project, and (preferably) protecting the worksheet so he will know to review the worksheet. Basically he wants the signature line aspects of a workbook, but for a worksheet instead of a workbook. I mentioned the idea of separating the worksheets into separate workbooks, but he doesn't want to do this as it is hard enough for him to track the 3 workbooks.


1. Does anyone know of a way to add the signature line feature of excel to a worksheet instead of the whole workbook?
2. If not and I need to start from scratch, would this be easiest to do using UserForms? If so, do you have any suggestions on how to proceed from here?

Thanks in Advance!