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Macro does the Display and Sent 1st email but then Error

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  1. #1
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    Macro does the Display and Sent 1st email but then Error

    Hello all,

    Please, Im trying to send a bulk email and I would need help for an error that does not let me send more than 1 email. (I attached the file)

    My Macro has 3 parts.

    MACRO 1 - First I copy a all data base from one sheet to other:
    Sub Reponer_BaseDados()
        Sheets("Base Dados ").Select
        Sheets("Copia to Macro").Select
    End Sub

    MACRO 2 - Macro for send email
    Sub PrepararMailInicial()
    Dim ThisFile As String
        col = Range("J1").Column
        For i = 2 To Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
            Set mail = CreateObject("outlook.application").CreateItem(0)
            mail.To = Range("D" & i)
            mail.CC = Range("E" & i)
            mail.BCC = Range("F" & i)
            mail.Subject = Range("G" & i)
            mail.body = Range("H" & i)
       ThisFile = "C:\BusCard.png"
            mail.Attachments.Add ThisFile, olByValue, 0
            mail.HTMLBody = Range("H8").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H9").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H10").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H11").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H12").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H13").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H14").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H15").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H16").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H17").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H18").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H19").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H20").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H21").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H2").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H3").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H4").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H5").Value & "<br>" & _
                            Range("H6").Value & "<br>" & _
                            "<img src=""cid:BusCard.png""height=201 width=320>"
            For j = col To Cells(i, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
                archivo = Cells(i, j)
                    If archivo <> "" Then mail.Attachments.Add archivo
            mail.Display 'display but not send
            'mail.Send 'send mail
        'MsgBox "Todos os emails enviados", vbInformation, "BR"
    End Sub
    PS: between the lines "Range("H2").Value & "<br>" & _" and "Range("H3").Value & "<br>" & _" should be a line that is format of the text but it denies the access to include it on the text.

    MACRO 3 - To try to avoid problems of outlook block, I divide the list in packs of 50 and cut/paste
    Sub Copiar_Mail_Info_A_Enviar()
        Sheets("Copia to Macro").Select
        k = 2
            Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(k, 2))
            Sheets("Copia to Macro").Select
            Application.CutCopyMode = False
            Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
                :=False, Transpose:=False
            Sheets("Copia to Macro").Select
            Application.CutCopyMode = False
            Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
            Call PrepararMailInicial
            k = k + 1
    End Sub
    I did a test with only 15 emails and send in packs of 5. The emails appear but error when sent on this line on Macro 2:

            Set mail = CreateObject("outlook.application").CreateItem(0)
    Also please on this line of the Macro 2,
            mail.HTMLBody = Range("H8").Value & "<br>" & _
    I would like to add to this the name of the company according the lines. Something similar with:
           mail.HTMLBody = Range("H8").Value & "<br>" & Range("B" & i).value & _
    But also appear error. This mus be a silly error anyway.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by coolx72; 06-18-2019 at 07:50 PM. Reason: Add info

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator alansidman's Avatar
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    Re: Macro does the Display and Sent 1st email but then Error

    Administrative Note:

    Welcome to the forum.

    We would very much like to help you with your query, however you need to include code tags around your code.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Macro does the Display and Sent 1st email but then Error

    Hello Alan,
    I tried before, as this is not my 1st post, but there was denied the access, saying that I was using a code HTML, so as I could not find the lines till now, I decide to send the indications as most clear as I could and also include the file.

    But of course you are 100% right, this way it will be far more easy to get help. Anyway there a line that I had to cut from the code that was the format of the lines H2:H6.

    thank you once agin for your assistance ad advices.


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