I have a userform that updates a label with font settings that are stored in textboxes.

The label update code is as follows:

        With lblSample.Font
            .Name = txtFonts
            .Size = Val(txtSize)
            Select Case txtStyle
                Case "Regular"
                    .Bold = False
                    .Italic = False
                Case "Bold"
                    .Bold = True
                    .Italic = False
                Case "Italics"
                    .Bold = False
                    .Italic = True
                Case "Bold Italics"
                    .Bold = True
                    .Italic = True
            End Select
        End With
Stepping through the code, any time either .Bold or .Italic is encountered, the property is always set to True, even when the command is to set it to false.

Does anyone have any thoughts on why this would be?
