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Runtime Error 424 generated when activating file identified in cell

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    Runtime Error 424 generated when activating file identified in cell

    Attached ORDER file has DropLists of Products and Suppliers in Cols B - C

    Attached Supplier file contain PRODUCT and COST columns.(Real folder has several different supplier files).

    User selects a Product and then a Supplier.

    Worksheet change finds the relevant Supplier file, the Product selected in the ORDER file, and copies the Cost from Col B of the SUPPLIER into Col D of the ORDER file.

    Option Explicit
    Dim a As Long
    Dim KeyCells As Range
    Dim wkb As Workbook
    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    'Find last row with data in Col C
        With ActiveSheet
        a = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
    'Set Cells that will cause an alert when they are changed.
        Set KeyCells = .Range("C2:C" & a)
    'Exit Macro if more than one cell is chosen
        If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    'Run Macro if one cell in Col C changes
        If Not Application.Intersect(KeyCells, .Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing Then
    'Set workbook "selected" in the target cell, and add ".xls" as extension ***throws a "RuntIme Error 424 - Object Required"***
        Set wkb = Sheet1.Range(Target.Address) & ".xls"
    'Set sheet 1 of that workbook as the sheet to check
        Set wks = wkb.Sheet1
    'Find the relevant file for whichever Supplier is selected in the Target cell, find the Product in the Supplier Col A matching Col B on the Target row, copy the value from Supplier Col B into Col D of the Target row in the ORDERS file
        .Range(Target.Address).Offset(0, 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(wks.Range("B:B"), Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(.Range(Target.Address).Offset(0, -1), wks.Range("A:A"), 0))
        End If
        End With
    End Sub
    All solutions, suggestions and alternatives welcome as ever.

    Attached Files Attached Files

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